Minutes December 17, 2023


Call to Order: Jim called the hybrid meeting to order at 9:30am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Leslie Dempsey, & David Canterman (via Zoom)

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth, & Nick Kluge (joined after the meeting was called to order)

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda: None

Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:    

  •  Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes-November 19, 2023 & Community Forum Minutes-Dec. 4, 2023

  • November 2023 Financial Reports

  • Staff Operations Report

  • Wilson Progress Report November 2023

The November 19, 2023 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes require review and will be presented at the January 2024 Board of Directors’ Meeting for approval.

Jeff motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the December 4, 2023 Community Forum Minutes. Leslie seconded. All in favor.

Tim motioned that the December 4, 2023 Community Forum Minutes should be amended to note that Linda Mortenson was introduced as a member of the Water Committee and she was asked if she had any comments. The motion was not seconded.

Member Communications: .

  • 70018 & 70019-Letter re: Water Conservation-Jim read Dan Thane’s letter aloud. Jim thanked Dan for his comments and input about conservation and managing leaks. In response to Dan’s comments, Jim briefly reviewed the history of the water rates and the cost of producing water. Jim also noted that LISECC has an existing rule ( which states that members are required to repair leaks in a timely manner at the members’ expense.

  • Doug Lilyroth addressed the board to request that construction workers working on his house can use 2-3 spaces of Clubhouse parking from Dec. 20-28, 2023 during the week. He noted that there would be no overnight parking and no parking on weekends. The board granted the request provided that the cars are parked in marked spaces only and do not block the boat trailer parking.

  • Report from LISE Disaster Committee-Leslie reported that she, James Southard, and Jim Coats met with Lummi Island Fire Chief Michael Lish, John Granger and Joan Moye to address a concern about how to quickly notify LISE residents of a disaster, particularly a wildfire. The idea they discussed is that the LIFD Officer on Duty will use a group chat to send a text to the LISECC General Manager along with any other designee to alert them of the nature of the disaster and the location. The disaster committee is developing a protocol for how they disseminate that information to LISE residents. A Zoom invitation has been sent out for a Disaster Preparedness meeting on January 10, 2024 for anyone interested in more information.
    The LIFD is very appreciative of what the committee has put together and is happy to work with them.

Board Reports:

  • President

    • Q & A for Wilson Engineering-Jim reviewed the questions recently raised by the board regarding the status of the water treatment plant replacement project and Brian Smith’s (Wilson Engineering) responses. Points addressed included:

      • Raw Water Pumping Design

      • Topographic Survey

      • Working Model of the Membrane Treatment Plant

      • BABAA

      • USDA Loan

    • BABA Waiver-Brian Smith has submitted a DRAFT Build America Buy America Waiver Request Data Collection form for the board to review. The board discussed what has been drafted so far and Jim and Jeff will incorporate the board’s feedback into the draft and resubmit it to the board for final approval. It will then be shared with Wilson Engineering for submittal.

    • General Manager Report

      • Purchase Authorization for UV254 P200 Portable Meter with Rechargeable Battery Pack: $2,580 + tax & shipping. This is being recommended by the DOH and will assist the water operators in monitoring the TOC content of both the raw and finished water, it will give them a better picture of their coagulation and dosing, and it will be beneficial in the new treatment plant for monitoring the performance of the membrane filters. Tim motioned to approve the purchase of the UV254 P200 Portable Meter with Rechargeable Battery Pack. Jeff seconded. All in favor.

  • VP/Secretary

    • Jeff is planning on contacting the local Department of Ecology representative about what we can do to protect our source water in response to pending logging applications within or near our watershed.

    • Discussion additional steps we can take to define our watershed and protect it.

    • David will draft a letter to the attorney to inquire about our options for protecting the value of the lots that we have a judgement against.

  • Finance

    • Reservoir Gangway- Leslie motioned to transfer $16,714.53 from Reserves for the reservoir gangway. Tim seconded. All in favor.

    • Leslie reviewed the LISECC Reserve Funds Allocation report. Going forward, the information will be on the monthly balance sheet.

    • Review Draft Update of Policy 13-Tim motioned that we amend Policy 13 as presented by the financial officer. Jeff seconded. During discussion, three changes to the policy were suggested. All in favor.

  • Operations/Water

    • Letter of Map Revision-FEMA has formally changed the flood map to remove the Clubhouse building from the flood zone. We have received an official letter to reflect the changes.

    • Ram is expected to start construction on the Clubhouse foundation the first week of January.

    • The Clubhouse building permit requires geotechnical inspection. GeoTest Services, Inc. has submitted an estimate for Construction Special Inspection & Materials Testing. Tim motioned that we approve the GeoTest services contract for geotechnical inspection in an amount not to exceed $10,000 from Reserves for earthwork and concrete inspections exempting fiber reinforced polymer and structural steel inspections. Leslie seconded. All in favor.

    • During construction on the Clubhouse foundation, access to the Clubhouse driveway and parking lot will be limited to LISECC staff and RAM construction vehicles.

    • Tim raised the idea of having a one-time third-party review of the engineering and budget for the new water treatment plant. It is estimated that a third-party review would cost about $10,000.

  • Administration

    • The remaining foreclosures are still in progress, but there are no new updates.

New Business: None

Old Business: None

Other Business:

  • Next Meeting: January 21, 2024 at 9:30 am. The Clubhouse will be closed due to construction, so the location of the meeting will be determined.

Adjournment: Jeff motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:56. Leslie seconded. All in favor.