Minutes December 4, 2023
/Water use efficiency goals community forum
Call to Order: Jim called the Zoom meeting to order at 7:00 pm
Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Leslie Dempsey & David Canterman
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Allison Cash, Nick Kluge (joined after the meeting was called to order)
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda: None
New Business:
Jim welcomed LISECC members to the forum and stated that the purpose of the forum is to allow public comment on the Water Use Efficiency Goals.
The board members took turns reading the Water Use Efficiency Goals aloud.
The following LISECC members commented on the Water Use Efficiency Goals:
Linda Mortensen commented that the WUE is a state led effort, not a voluntary effort.
Louise Weber would like the board to revisit the water usage rates.
Carrie Garde commented that she supports a closer look at the water usage rates.
Nick Kluge stated that it is not uncommon for water utilities to use tiered rate structures to promote water conservation.
Adjournment: Tim motioned to adjourn the forum at 7:25 pm. David seconded. All in favor.