Minutes March 19, 2023

Community Forum To Address Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Call to Order: Jim called the Community Forum to order at 9:30 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.

  • Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Lisa Machalski (via Zoom) & David Canterman (via Zoom)

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

New Business:

  • Jim and Jeff welcomed the members in attendance and explained the parameters of the forum. The purpose of the forum is to discuss the pros and cons of the proposals submitted by Doug Lilyroth and Isaac Colgan to amend Bylaws,, &

    • Jim noted that the proposed change to runs counter to Article 3 in the Articles of Incorporation. The board has sought the opinion of the LISECC attorney on this and cautioned that it is likely the proposed amendment will not be put forth for a vote of the membership.

  • Isaac Colgan presented the proposed change to which would change the member vote from one vote per owner, regardless of the number of lots owned, to one vote per lot owned.

    • Discussion followed with comments from the membership both in support of and against the proposal.

  • Doug Lilyroth presented the proposed change to The proposed amendment seeks to make it so that neither the board nor the member may change the terms of dues relief.

    • Discussion followed with comments from the membership both in support of and against the proposal.

Discussion tabled at 11:10 am for a brief break.

Meeting reconvened at 11:19 am.

  • Isaac Colgan presented the proposed change to which seeks to recognize bound lots as one lot liable for only one special assessment.

    • Discussion followed with comments from the membership both in support of and against the proposal.

Other Business:

  • Next Meeting: March 26, 2023 9:30 am

Forum adjourned at 12:21 pm.