Minutes July 24, 2022
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Due to the length of the meeting and file size limitations, the audio recordings are split into two parts.
Call to Order: Ben called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, William Enoch, Tim Robison
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: None
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Eliminate Leak Detection Equipment Rental
Eliminate Executive Session, instead address job description update under President’s report, legal matter does not require Executive Session
Move discussion of selling LISE property to President report
Add hiring update to Communication report
Add discussion of Firewising to Operations report
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes –June 28, 2022 & July 18, 2022
June 2022 Financial Reports
June 23-July 21, 2022, Operations Report
William motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the June 28, 2022 & July 18, 2022, Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications:
Member Tommy Hester expressed that two-year delay in Clark Circle roadway issue has impacted him financially due to rising building materials costs. Asks for a speedy resolution.
10203-Leak Forgiveness Request. Board discussion resulted in Jim motioned to provide partial relief as follows: Member to be charged at Tier 5 usage plus Operation Staff time and cost of hardware supplies; subject to confirmation that this is a first-time forgiveness request. William 2nd. All in favor. William asks for a notice to be included in next newsletter, recommending shutoff of water when members are off island for an extended period.
40026-Letter re: Water Rates – not addressed
Carol McKinney-Dog Committee Report. The dog pole contest prizes have been awarded. The committee is researching small brass name plates to identify the maker of each pole. A location map has been created by the committee. The cost of cement has increased from original budget. Tim motioned for the original project budget to be increased by up to $200 to cover the cost of cement, William 2nd. All in favor. Ben asked the committee to bring the proposal for pole installation locations and a proposal for how the dog bag dispensers will be serviced to the August board meeting.
Carol announced that the Whatcom County Parks and Recreation Committee will be taking a tour of Lummi Island on 8/18 and then having a meeting/presentation at the Grange Hall. She asked if LISE would have a booth at the event highlighting our community. Tim expressed interest in participating and asked Carol to get the information to Allison.
Board Reports:
Ben announced that he will be leaving the LISE board after the August meeting, at the completion of his two-year term. This creates a vacancy on the board until after the Annual General Meeting (AGM), unless the board chooses to appoint a new board member for the interim. Any appointee would need to run for the open position at the AGM. As current Vice President, Jim will be acting President until after the AGM.
Nick’s job description has been revised and updated; his new title will be Assistant Operations Manager. Nick has conditionally accepted the new position, subject to wage adjustment. Tim motioned that Ben, William, and Allison work together to set new wage. Jim 2nd. All in favor.
Selling LISE Owned Properties. Allison has communicated with several realtors about selling LISE owned vacant lots and has determined that For-Sale-By-Owner (FISBO) transaction are not the best use of LISE’s General Manager’s time. Tim motioned to retain Ken Swanson as listing agent for LISE owned properties, as well as to have Ken review an offer currently in hand on a Cove Ave lot. Jeff 2nd. All in favor. Tim motioned that the board intends to sell the LISE owned lot on Cove, Jim 2nd. Tim, Jeff, and Jim approved; William opposed. Motion passes. The board discussed adding a restriction, prior to sale, that the lot will not receive future dues relief, but will be a dues-paying lot in perpetuity. Jim will review LISE bylaws related to selling of lots and adding restrictive covenants.
AGM Planning – not addressed.
Small Water System Management Plan. This important part of the treatment plant replacement project has not been completed. Tim is willing to take the lead and work with Kevin and Nick; this may require involvement of Wilson Engineerinng. Each board member has a part to contribute.
Reserve Study. Tim and Allison have been working on an updated expenditures to submit to LISE’s reserve consultants. An onsite visit will be scheduled.
Feeding Wildlife. After much lively discussion, the board decided to take no action at this time on the proposed Rules and Regulations amendment and new policy statement submitted by David Canterman. William motioned that Jim contact LISE’s attorney for interpretation of WUCIOA regarding acceptance and withdrawal of a member petition. Tim 2nd. All in favor. Tim motioned that the board host a community Zoom wildlife feeding forum with Ben and William as facilitators; and bring back an action proposal for vote at the August board meeting. Jim 2nd. All in favor.
Mission Statement. Jim stated that the mission statement required by the Small Water System Management Plan is complete.
Revised Bylaw Amendment Statement. Jim noted that the existing process for submitting a proposed Bylaw Amendment is complex; he has drafted a Bylaw Amendment for inclusion on the AGM ballot that shortens the notice period to 30 days. The board is satisfied with Jim’s draft language.
Reserve Transfer- Tim motioned to approve a transfer from Reserves for Wilson Invoice 17031 for $500.50 and for WRS Invoice 158424 for $5973.00. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Fidelity Application-Adoption of Resolutions. The resolution was included in last month’s board packet, Tim motioned to adopt the resolution. Jeff 2nd, All in favor.
William addressed cash-basis billing vs accrual-basis billing; he is doing further study to determine if water revenue will be on target.
Firewise tree limbing on Clubhouse and marina lots. Tim proposes limbing trees up by 20 to 30 feet due to wildfire concerns. He will do further research about feasibility, costs, and shoreline restrictions.
Clark Circle. Tim submitted a tax parcel map to show impacted lots and the proposed road revision required by the County to enable an impacted lot owner to obtain a building permit. Tom Kennedy of Baker Mountain Ranch has not yet submitted an estimate but indicated that he may be able to start in September or October. An estimate is required before LISE can sign a contract for roadway revision. The recorded road easement does not align with the actual road. One lot owner’s fence is within the easement and will need to be moved to behind the row of trees that was planted on County property. A survey has been done and is marked. Tim suggests that He and Allison contact all impacted lot owners on Clark Circle to discuss the project needs and impacts.
Clubhouse: Foundation Estimate, Site Plan/Additional Site Work. Tim has assembled preliminary estimates for the scope of work (engineering, foundation restoration, drain culvert improvement, clubhouse deck framing/membrane/decking, ADA access ramp) totaling about $300,000. While work could begin using reserves, this will require a member assessment. William motioned to approve up to $20,000 for engineering and permitting for the foundation, deck, and culvert work. Tim 2nd. All in favor. Jim motioned to add an assessment to the AGM ballot based on the board’s intent to proceed with the clubhouse foundation repair and deck repair (as recommended by a structural engineer), and the culvert improvement (as recommended by a coastal geologist). William 2nd. All in favor. The dollar amount of the assessment will be discussed at the August board meeting.
DNR Aquatic Lands Lease & Permitting. Tim reported that two of the dock pilings are significantly deteriorated. He has contacted DNR to discuss replacing the pilings and reports that the only way DNR will permit the piling replacement is if LISE relocates the docks. The issue is that DNR requires floating docks to not touch the ground at low tide. In their current location LISE’s docks rest on the ground at low tide. To meet this DNR requirement, a walkway or pier would need to extend 40 to 50 feet further out into Hale Passage. LISE’s existing floating docks could be attached to the longer pier. This would increase the dock space for LISE Member boat tie ups. This is a project that would require a member assessment. The board will defer action at this time recognizing that further piling deterioration may render docks unusable.
Trihalomethane and Halo Acetic Acids Testing – not addressed.
Hiring update. LISE has received two applications for the posted position. The board needs to review, ask staff for feedback, then Allison will respond to the applicants.
New Business: None.
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: Tuesday, August 23, 2022, at 7:30 pm
Adjournment: 1:30 pm.