Minutes June 28, 2022

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Due to the length of the meeting and file size limitations, the audio recordings are split into two parts.

Call to Order: Ben called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, William Enoch, Tim Robison

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff present: Allison Cash, Isaac Colgan (Kevin Southworth & Nick Kluge joined the meeting after roll call.)

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda: None            

Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:

  •  Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes –May 22, 2022 & June 18, 2022

  • May 2022 Financial Reports

  • May 17-June 22, 2022 Operations Report                  

Jim read the draft BOD Meeting Minutes from June 18, 2022 (Executive Session) aloud. William motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the May 22, 2022 & June 18, 2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes. Tim seconded. All in favor. 


  • Isaac Colgan submitted his resignation effective June 29, 2022. Ben read a statement from the board expressing their appreciation for all that he has done and accomplished for the association. The board wished him well in his future endeavors and thanked him for his 5 years of service to the community.

Member Communications:

  • Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman-Email regarding increasing dues, bylaw changes and the AGM. Jim summarized and/or read portions of the member communication to those in attendance.

  • Doug Lilyroth addressed the board to ask about using the boat trailer storage area near the clubhouse as a staging area for the delivery of building materials. The intention would be to coordinate with LISE to ensure the least amount of disruption to LISE members. After discussion with the board, it was determined that more information, including a timeline, was needed.

  • David Canterman addressed the board to request that the board consider presenting a bylaw change to the membership regarding feeding wildlife. Considering the discussion, Ben suggested that the topic be added as an agenda item at the July Board of Directors’ Meeting.


  • President

    • Staffing Changes

      • In light of Isaac’s departure, the board thinks it is in the best interest of the association to publish a job posting for a new part-time operations staff member. William moved to go forward with posting a new half-time operations support position per the existing job description. Jim seconded. All in favor. After discussion about the coordination of posting the job description, it was discovered that the existing job description included a Level 1 Operator Permit requirement. The new job position does not require this qualification. William rescinded the motion.

      • Jim motioned to publish a new part-time operations staff position amended to reflect that the applicant must obtain an Operator in Training certificate within 6 months.  William seconded. All in favor.

  • Administration

    • Revised Bylaw Concerns-Jim provided background on the current state of the amended and restated bylaws.

    • In discussing the restated bylaws and in light of the board’s previous action, Jim moved to amend the previously adopted text of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of Lummi Island Scenic Estates Community Club as authorized in Robert’s Rules of Order 12th edition, Section 35.5, known as “The Series of Amendments to Previously Adopted Text”.  William seconded. The board discussed a number of concerns regarding the amended and restated bylaws. Jim withdrew the motion since it is the opinion of the board that the amended and restated bylaws were never ratified by the board.

  • Finance

    • Reserve Transfer- Tim motioned to approve a transfer from Reserves for Wilson Invoice 16993 for $3,926.50. Jeff seconded. All in favor.

    • Fidelity Application-Tim moved to approve the application for submission with Jim Coats and Jeff Smith as control persons and Allison Cash as an Authorized Individual. Jim seconded. All in favor.

  • Operations/Water

    • Clubhouse Foundation Update- Tim reviewed the next steps to complete our permit application with the county. Request for bids sent out to three contractors.

    • Piling Condition and Repair-Still waiting for an estimate on repair

    • Resumption of reservoir sampling & testing-Tim is proposing that we resume bi-monthly testing in the reservoir to gather additional data. This would have minimal budget implications.

    • Small System Water Management Plan-We need to continue moving forward on this to get it completed for submission at the AGM.

    • Plan for Clark Circle-We have received an updated design from Freeland Engineering that avoids extending on one member’s drain field and on another member’s property. Allison to call Tom Kennedy to request a bid for the project.

  • Communications/Planning: No report.

Old Business:

  • Selling LISE Owned Properties-LISE received a response from Ken Swanson, but the board would like Allison to reach out to one more realtor for a comparison.

New Business: None.

Other Business:

  • Next BOD Meeting: July 24, 2022 at 9:30 am

Adjournment: 9:20 pm.