Minutes April 24, 2022
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Due to the length of the meeting and file size limitations, the audio recordings are split into two parts.
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Ben called the meeting to order at 9:30 am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, William Enoch, Tim Robison
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Guest Forum:
Wilson Engineering Update/Q & A- Brian Smith (Wilson Engineering) and Isaac recently took part in a preplan meeting with the Department of Health to go over the specifics of what the DOH requires to be included in our Small Water System Management Plan (SWSMP); a comprehensive resource for most items related to our water system. THE SWSMP has not been updated since 2008, so to apply for construction funding, an up-to-date plan document is required. Updating the SWSMP is a collaborative effort between the engineer, board members and staff. Once the plan is complete, a public meeting with consumers is required followed by adoption by the board.
Changes to the Agenda: None
Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:
Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes –March 26, 2022 & April 5, 2022
March 2022 Financial Reports
March 21-April 18, 2022 Operations Report
William motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the March 26, 2022 and April 5, 2022 Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Member Communications:
Tommy Hester addressed the board to inquire about the next steps on Clark Circle. The preliminary design puts turn around over a member’s drain field and another member’s property, outside of our easement. Next steps are that Tom Kennedy needs to consult with Tony Friedlander (engineer) to redesign plans.
30107-Communication re: Water Connections- William motioned that we charge $150 for removal of the meter plus the time and materials for the new installation. Jim seconded. Discussion of the mitigating circumstances necessitating this decision. Jim, Jeff, and William voted in favor of the motion. Tim opposed the motion. Motion carries.
Hiring Announcements/Ratification-
Nick Kluge has been hired as part-time operations staff. Allison Cash has been hired as General Manager of the association at 30 hours/week. Jim motioned that we accept both positions as filled and extend our congratulations to both Allison Cash and Nick Kluge. Tim seconded. All in favor.
AGM Planning-Jim motioned that the 2022 AGM be held on October 15, 2022. William seconded. All in favor.
Marina Rules
Policy 9-William motioned that we accept Policy 9 as written with the provision that we remove “moorage is further restricted to 24 hours during holiday weekends and crab season.” and change “vessels must then be removed for the following 24 hours.” to “removed for the following 72 hours”. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Article 5-Tim motioned that we adopt Article 5.2.5 as presented. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Decal Revision-Tim motioned that we adopt the revised marina decal application as presented. William seconded. All in favor.
Dog Related Proposals
Rules & Regulations Section 5.1.3 revisions-William motioned to approve. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Waste Station contest/budget (Dog Committee)-Tim motioned to approve the dog waste station contest with a budget not to exceed $1500. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Reserve Transfer-Tim motioned to approve a transfer from Reserves for Wilson Invoice 16812 for $4,137.00. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Review & ratify submission of annual tax return-Jim motioned to approve 2021 1120H annual tax return as prepared by our CPA. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Purchase approval for SubSurface LD-18 water leak detection equipment- Tim motioned to proceed with purchase of SubSurface LD-18 water leak detection equipment with an amount not to exceed $7000. Jim seconded. All in favor.
Lien Warning/Payment Plan Request-Tim motioned to approve the payment plan request for accounts 40057 & 40058. Jim seconded. All in favor.
New foundation for Clubhouse-A preliminary report from the structural engineer has stated that the clubhouse foundation can be repaired. A final report from the structural engineer will be available soon.
Mt. Vista & Hales Passage water leaks-A small leak has been located on Mt. Vista Dr. The larger leak on Hales Passage is likely located and staff is expected to begin digging on it next week.
Rosewood pothole repair-Tim moved that we authorize an amount not to exceed $6000 for pothole repair only on Rosewood Terrace. William seconded. All in favor.
Discussion of Wilson Contract-Tim raised concerns that Wilson has not been communicative about delays as some deadlines have not been met. He would like to see LISECC be more assertive about enforcing contracts.
Committee solicitations were put out in the last newsletter.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Other Business:
Next BOD Meeting: May 22, 2022 at 9:30am
Executive Session to discuss legal matters, including initiation of foreclosures due to delinquencies-Jim motioned to include all staff members present and move into Executive Session at 11:33am discuss legal matters including foreclosure and a recent event concerning a member. William seconded. All in favor.
Back in session at 12:16pm. No formal action taken during Executive Session.
William motioned to pursue long held unpaid dues from members using the criteria of the length of time of the lien, the number of properties the owner might have, and the total owed. There are currently over $200,000 total in arrears from members and the board has decided to spend not more than $10,000 to pursue foreclosure on 8 specific lots: 100001, 100006, 100007, 100008, 100009, 100010, 100011, and 40065. Tim seconded. All in favor.
Adjournment: 12:18 pm.