Minutes October 18, 2020
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Doug Cash called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Jeff Smith, Doug Cash, Ben Twigg, Jim Coats, William Enoch
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda:
Add opening of LISECC playground to New Business
Add discussion of Emergency Preparedness Radio System to Guest Forum
Consideration of Members for Suspension of Privileges removed from agenda
Revision of Marina Decal rules assigned to boat committee for discussion
Approval of Minutes:
Ben motioned to approve the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes from September 27, 2020. Jim seconded. Passed.
Guest Forum:
Tom Pawlak joined the meeting to seek permission to field test an antenna on the water tower for the emergency preparedness MURS radio system. If the antenna is successful, it would give Scenic Estates connectivity to the fire hall in the event of an emergency. Tom was directed to coordinate with Isaac and Kevin to assess feasibility.
Melanie Mankamyer from Wilson Engineering joined the meeting to discuss the Water System Capacity Analysis proposal and answer questions from the board about the next steps for the treatment plant projects.
President: No report
Finance: No report
5-year Dam Safety inspection coming up.
Stop Log replacement on Tuesday 10/20/2020.
Waiting on the lab for the water profile results.
Jeff would like to include more information on the website about treatment plant upgrades to keep the membership as informed as possible.
Administration: No report
Old Business:
Discussion of Water System Capacity Analysis proposal and Tech Memo. William motioned to approve the Water System Capacity Analysis contract from Wilson Engineering with transfer from Reserves for the expenditure. Ben seconded. Passed.
New Business:
Discussion of opening LISE playground following Whatcom county guidelines.
Other Business:
The board went into Executive Session at 10:47am to discuss personnel matters. Back in session at 11:26am. No motions were made during the Executive Session. Employee reviews will be moved to January to line up with the fiscal year.
Next BOD Meeting: November 15, 2020 at 9:30am.
Adjournment: 11:26am
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members as of October 18, 2020.