Minutes September 22, 2018
/Board of Directors Meeting
Call to Order: Paul Dempsey called the meeting to order at 10:00 am at the Scenic Estates Clubhouse.
Board members present: Paul Dempsey, Doug Cash, Jeff Smith, Sharleen Peitsch-Tyerman, Ben Twigg
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Kevin Southworth, Isaac Colgan, Allison Cash
Voting Status:
All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Changes to the Agenda: None
Approval of Minutes:
Sharleen motioned to approve the August 25, 2018 Board of Directors Meeting minutes. Ben seconded. Doug abstained. Passed.
Sharleen motioned to approve the draft of the AGM minutes for release to membership with action item by Jon Van den Driesen removed. Doug seconded. Passed.
Review of Washington Uniform Common Ownership Interest Act (WUCOIA). Paul would like to put forward a proposal at the 2019 AGM that we opt in to all of the provisions of the act. Doug motioned to prepare the bylaw amendment to come into conformance with the WUCOIA and opt in. Jeff seconded. Passed.
Foreclosures: Notices went out and the deadline for payment has passed. Doug motioned to proceed with foreclosures. Sharleen seconded. Passed.
Exploration of the possibility of securing funding from the state to update the clubhouse under the banner of emergency preparedness. It was determined that funding could not be made possible through this route as the Clubhouse did not meet ADA certification standards and thus, could not be certified as a Red Cross Shelter.
Brief discussion of the impact of the WUCOIA on our current governing documents, specifically article and, pursuant to the date, time and place of board meetings and the publishing of said meetings for the membership.
Review June, July, and August Financial Reports- Request from our accountant to identify any items that need to be moved to fixed assets. Ben to work on definition of fixed assets. Ben motioned to accept accountant’s recommendation to reclassify items to fixed assets. Doug seconded. Passed.
Important to look at the components of the treatment plant to identify things that need to be replaced for the 2019 Reserve Study.
Discussion of bank accounts at WECU and Key bank. Ben motioned to open a credit card at WECU for Kevin Southworth with $2,000.00 limit. Doug seconded. Passed.
Treasurer Report on CD Maturities. A CD matured at People’s Bank and it was moved to WECU for rate of 1.65%. In order to avoid going over the $250,000 federal insurance limit at WECU, Leslie asked that the board consider setting up accounts for CD’s and/or Reserves with another credit union. Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union currently has the highest CD rates and also has docu-sign signature process.
Doug reviewed the July and August Operations Reports.
Clubhouse Fire Regulation Remediation: Necessary updates have been made at the clubhouse for the upcoming Fire Marshal’s inspection. Kevin to get bids for updating the doors and a permit for installing residential hood in order to bring occupancy to 99 people.
Clubhouse Electrical System: No main breaker, so Kevin will consult with an electrician about how to proceed.
Discussion of taking out a loan in order to update the clubhouse.
Communications/Planning: No report.
Member Communications:
Letter from Frankie Small requesting that the board send a letter to a member regarding the wood stacked up on his property. No action to be taken by board. On the same property, Kevin cannot access the water meter due to plants and other barriers, so he asks that the board address the issue with the owner.
Letter from Mary Jane Van Hoesen: re Clubhouse tables and chairs. Addressed by Gayle Mitterer.
Written Request from Gayle Mitterer to address the board re: Social Committee and clubhouse furniture. The leftover Ramp it Up Funds are going to be used toward the replacement of tables and chairs at the clubhouse, but she would like to coordinate with Kevin in order find something that works with the available storage.
Doug motioned to form a Social Committee with Doug being the Social Committee chair. Sharleen seconded. Passed.
Ben motioned that the Social Committee has a key to the clubhouse and that the key remains with one of the committee members. Jeff seconded. Passed.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Water Disconnection and Lien Warning Notices. Water shutoffs are scheduled for Oct. 15, 2018. Doug motioned to approve water disconnections if the member has not paid or requested a payment plan by Oct. 14, 2018. Jeff seconded. Passed.
Accounts 60022 & 60023-Payment Plan Request. Ben motioned to approve the payment plans pending member acceptance. Doug seconded. Passed.
Tax Foreclosure Sale-Account 50026. Sale is scheduled for November 16. Leslie has asked LISE to consider whether this is a viable and salable lot and if it would be worthwhile to purchase the lot and preserve our lien on the lot.
Ferry Reimbursement Request: No action to be taken by the board.
New Format for Minute Taking. The formats presented were not suitable due to the need for internet access, so new, non-internet required formats will be sought and presented.
Other Business:
Sharleen motioned for board meetings to be held on the third Sunday of each month at 9:30am. Doug seconded. Passed.
Next board meeting is scheduled for October 21st at 9:30am.
Adjournment: Ben motioned to adjourn at 12:46pm. Sharleen seconded. Passed.
Click here to see a table of the action items to be completed by board members.