July 13-August 25, 2020 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this period:
Isaac attended Dept. of Health webinar for Asset Management
Dept. of Health Sanitary Survey July 15 & July 21
Completed Wilson Engineering Task 2 projects including:
Improvement of filter-to-waste system, functional July 21
Install inlet flow metering
Upgrade plant automation monitoring and shutdown controls
Change main coagulant to ferric sulfate on August 10
Contract with Bill Taylor for lake management consultation
Replace six meter registers for failed batteries
We identified a leak at the Marina blowoff valve on August 24. We suspect this is the cause of the high loss in July.
July 2020 Water Usage (in gallons)
From storage tanks 688,000 Chlorine monitoring feed (0.178 gpm) 7,950
Net to distribution 680,050
Flushing 2,100 Residential meters 408,190 Unaccounted for water 269,760
Percentage of loss 66%