April 16-May 14, 2020 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this period:
Streaming current monitor and particle analyzer testing with Wilson Engineering on April 16.
Issue preliminary turbidity treatment technique for April on April 24.
Clubhouse, Cabana, and playground closed for COVID-19.
Measure Holiday Lake depth and calculate volume for possible algae treatment.
Launched large docks May 11.
In May raw water turbidity has continued to increase. Our finished water turbidity to exceed 0.3 NTU (turbidity units) more than 5% of the time which will likely result in a treatment technique violation from the Dept. of Health for the month of May. The Department of Health and Wilson Engineering has been working with us on jar testing, suggesting coagulant and pH variables.
On May 13, our raw water quality began to improve to 1.0 NTU (from a high of 1.4 NTU two days before). We assume this is a result of reservoir turnover. Since May 13 we have been filtering water at optimum levels, below 0.1 NTU. However, we are aware that we still need a solution if raw water quality changes back again.
April 2020 Water Usage (in gallons)
From storage tanks 426,190 Chlorine monitoring feed (0.178 gpm) 7,690
Net to distribution 418,500
Flushing 3,000 Residential meters 279,340 Unaccounted for water 136,160
Percentage of loss 32%