December 8-January 11, 2021 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this period:
Turbidity violation published December 12 for November and December. Beginning in January, turbidity levels have remained below violation levels and continue to improve. We do not expect a turbidity violation in January.
New jon boat now being used for sampling Dickenson Lake.
UVT meter installation to be completed soon.
Coming up:
Isaac will attend Cross Connection Control exam training on February 3-4, 2021. Dave Olson at Water Systems Services will be proposing a consultant arrangement to help implement this program in 2021.
Wilson Engineering has identified a membrane filtration treatment plant on Blakely Island and is coordinating a meeting with the operator there to share experience on implementing this type of plant.
December 2020 Water Usage (in gallons)
From storage tanks 456,280 Chlorine monitoring feed (0.178 gpm) 7,950
Net to distribution 448,330
Flushing 2,500 Residential meters 264,080
Unaccounted for water 181,750 Percentage of loss 40.8%