May 14-June 16, 2019 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this period we:
Deployed the small docks on May 16 and installed a handrail on the ramp between docks on June 5.
Replaced 34 meter registers due to dead batteries, and one meter body due to freeze damage.
The meter body at account 40066 was found missing and a police report was filed.
Tighten packing nut at pressure reducing valve at Hales Passage vault to fix a minor leak.
Produce the 2018 Consumer Confidence Report / Annual Water Quality Report which will show that the LISE water system meets all primary and secondary EPA and Department of Health standards.
Clear brush from Mount Vista Terrace roadsides.
Mowed the swim lake north shore and created more shoreline access with Rich Hudson and his excavation equipment.
Mark Sexton installed the main Clubhouse door with an exit push bar and outswing to comply with the Fire Marshall’s inspection for increased occupancy. The double doors will be also be soon replaced with compliant push bars.
May 2019 Water Usage (in gallons)
From storage tanks 436,700
Flushing 3,000
Net to distribution 433,700
Residential meters 296,610 Unaccounted for water 137,090
Percentage of loss 31.6%