September 2018 Operations Report
/Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager
During this month we:
Completed installation of remote monitoring equipment (SCADA) with PMG Controls. Readings for chlorine and turbidity are functioning although still need to be adjusted.
Installed “Exit” signs and emergency lighting in clubhouse as part of fire regulation compliance. Kitchen range was removed temporarily until vent hood is installed. The Clubhouse was measured, and as-built plans drawn for the permitting process.
The marina docks were removed beginning with the small docks on September 24. The large docks were removed on October 1 with the help of Chris Immer and Brian Parberry’s large fork lift.
Water Usage (in gallons)
Pumped 340,320
Backwashes 30,525
Net pumped 309,795
Flushing 5,000
Net to distribution 304,795
Residential meters 280,010
Unaccounted for water 24,785
Percentage of loss 8%