March 2019 Operations Report

Kevin Southworth, Operations Manager

During this period we:

  • Completed the Clubhouse range hood installation. The range is now available for use.

  • Replaced 13 meter registers because of battery failure. We are waiting on warrantee returns to replace about 38 meters with dead batteries.

  • Located and repaired a major leak near 1237 Island Drive. Not including the estimated leak loss at this location, our percentage of water loss was 43%. Including this leak loss the percentage is 7.7% (see table below).

  • Removed four at-risk trees from the Cabana Area with Baker Mountain Ranch Construction.

  • Repaired reservoir pump-back line because of freeze damage.

  • Replaced the reservoir booster pump motor. Pumping from the reservoir was stopped for a day while this repair was made.

  • Met with Surowiecki Brothers Construction to discuss estimate for small dock replacement.

  • Raised the Swim Lake level for the season.

  • Began preparation and maintenance on the large docks for deployment.

The large docks are scheduled to be launched on Wednesday, May 8, depending on weather.

We had strong participation for the Island Roadside Cleanup on April 6. Thank you to all our neighbors who helped cleanup efforts in Scenic Estates.

Water Usage (in gallons)

From storage tanks 411,250
Flushing    3,000
Net to distribution   408,250
Residential meters    232,850
Island Dr. leak est. (25 days @ 4gpm) 144,000

Unaccounted for water    31,400
Percentage of loss        7.7%