Minutes January 21, 2024


Call to Order: Jim called the meeting to order at 9:30am via Zoom Video Conferencing.

  • Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, Tim Robison, Leslie Dempsey, & David Canterman

  • Board members absent: None

  • Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth, & Nick Kluge

Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing.  Quorum.        

Changes to the Agenda:

  • Remove Permits & Planning for Aquatic Plant Control from Operations/Water Report

  • Add Policy Statement 7 Revision to General Manager Report

Approval of Minutes and Consent Agenda:    

  • Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes-November 19, 2023, December 17, 2023, & January 4, 2024 Special BOD Meeting Minutes

  • Staff Operations Report

  • Wilson Progress Report December 2023

Tim asked whether there was a deadline to submit the Dam Emergency Action Plan mentioned in the Operations Report. Nick responded that it was due by the end of 2023 and was submitted after being proofed by himself and the Department of Ecology.

Tim questioned the status of the Reservoir Gangway permitting.

Tim asked for clarification on the pondweed removal item noted in the Operations Report. Nick stated that Northwest Aquatic Management is scheduled to come out for a consultation in February 2024.

Tim motioned to approve the Consent Agenda and the November 19, 2023 BOD Meeting Minutes, December 17, 2023 BOD Meeting Minutes, and the January 4, 2024 Special BOD Meeting Minutes. Jeff seconded. All in favor.

Member Communications: .

  • Report from LISE Disaster Committee

    • The LISE Disaster Committee hosted a hybrid meeting (in person and Zoom) on January 10, 2024. Participants were enthusiastic to help with small projects identified by the committee.

    • Leslie presented the idea of using the LISE website to provide a place for members to opt into a cell phone text tree for disseminating disaster information. Phone numbers would be kept confidential and only used for emergency notifications. Additionally, we could order a repositionable sign that can be displayed on the whiteboard, at social events, etc to encourage members to opt into the phone tree.

    • Leslie emphasized that any emergency/disaster notifications by the LIFD or LISE are on a best effort basis. Notification cannot be guaranteed.

    • Discussion of need for more Map Your Neighborhood leads in Scenic Estates.

    • The LISE Disaster Committee plans to hold periodic Scenic Estates Map Your Neighborhood gatherings to share information/ideas.

Board Reports:

  • Administration

    • Foreclosure Updates

      • David shared an updated sheet with the board showing that we currently have 3 accounts in arrears.

        • On the first account, we have completed the legal process of notifying the account holder and can now proceed with setting a sale date for the property.

        • On the second account, we are still in the appeal process. However, in the meantime, we are collecting 9% interest on the judgement.

        • On the final account, we are waiting to resolve the aforementioned account before we can proceed.

  • President

    • Logging Appeal-The WA Attorney General has acknowledged receipt of our appeal. An appeal hearing has been scheduled for December 2, 2024.

    • Revised New Member Welcome Letter

      • Add bullet point about LISECC Social Events to the letter.

      • Discussion of sending out the information page to all members with the AGM packet.

    • General Manager Report

      • Payment Plan Default

        • We have one payment plan where the members have missed the last two monthly payments and they have not responded to the three payment reminder notices that have been sent out. The terms of the payment plan agreement state that late payments are considered a default, which will result in automatic and immediate collection efforts including water disconnection and filing of liens. Tim motioned that we proceed with sending a lien warning notice and water shut off notice to the members and proceed with both if there is no response. David Seconded. All in favor.

      • Policy Statement 7 Revision-Late Fees

        • Late fees are currently charged on February 1 & July 1. However, this means late fees are imposed when members are 1 day delinquent on their semi-annual dues. Allison suggested that the date of invoice for late fees is moved to March 1 and August 1 when the invoices become 30 days delinquent. Tim motioned to change the date lates fees are invoiced to March 1 and August 1. Leslie seconded. All in favor.

  • VP/Secretary

    • Jeff will contact DNR about what we can do to protect our watershed.

  • Finance

    • Due to the recent weather, the December 2023 financials are not yet available. Once we receive them, Leslie and Allison will identify if there is any surplus money from 2023 to be transferred to the reserve accounts.

    • Allison is working on linking the Fidelity and WECU accounts so money can be moved between the two institutions.

  • Operations/Water

    • Discussion of the possibility of closing Dogwood Terrace to nonemergency vehicles at Island Dr. intersection. The board agreed not to pursue at this time.

    • Installation of Gap Bridging for Docks and Ramp-Chris Immer has been contacted about completing this project.

    • Clubhouse Electrical-Elm Electrical has provided a quote for putting the main lights in the clubhouse on one breaker.  They will also install two smoke alarms-one in the kitchen and one in the main area. David motioned that we hire Elm Electric to do the repairs on the electrical panel in the Clubhouse in an amount not to exceed $1500. Leslie seconded. All in favor.

    • David motioned that we hire Elm electric to replace the electrical outlets, connect the new furnace and disconnect the parking lot light in an amount not to exceed $1500. Jeff seconded. All in favor.

    • Marine Area Parking Lot Light is not working. The light is on a PSE pole. PSE has a program where they will install LED lights on their poles. Tim has contacted PSE and will report back.

      David left the meeting at 11:09am.

    • Clubhouse Foundation Work Update-Initial excavation has started, but bedrock is 2 feet further down than initially anticipated. The contractors and engineers are working together to determine next steps.

      • Additional work has been identified by Ram to comply with Whatcom County building codes:

        • Crawl Space Footing, Exterior Wall & Door

        • Lower Deck Access Gate

        • Furnace Room

    Tim proposed to have Ram complete the aforementioned projects as an add on to the Clubhouse foundation work.

    • Furnace Replacement and Mechanical Permit- We have received two bids for furnace replacement, but because of the recent weather, we are waiting on the third estimate. (The third company is scheduled to come out to provide an estimate next week.) Leslie motioned to replace the existing 20-year-old Clubhouse furnace with a new forced air gas furnace and ducting at a cost equal to or less than $18,000.00. Jeff seconded. All in favor.

    • Exterior Deck Beam Engineering-The beam was originally designed to be 30 feet long, which is not going to work. The engineer is going to modify the existing plans using three 10 foot beams.

    New Business: None

    Old Business: None

    Other Business:

  • Next Meeting: February 25, 2024 at 9:30 am. The Clubhouse will be closed due to construction, so the meeting will be Zoom only.

    Adjournment: Tim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:53 am. Leslie seconded. All in favor.