Minutes November 1, 2023
/Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Call to Order: Jim called the Zoom meeting to order at 10:04am.
Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Tim Robison, & David Canterman, Leslie Dempsey, Jeff Smith (joined the meeting at 10:09am)
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Allison Cash
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
New Business:
The sole purpose of this meeting is to allow the board to discuss employee matters in Executive Session.
The board and Allison entered Executive Session at 10:06am.
The board and Allison came out of Executive Session at 10:23am.
No action was taken while in Executive Session. During Executive Session, the board and Allison discussed employee raises for two employees based on their recent completion of DOH certifications.
Tim motioned to increase the wages of two employees by $1/hour each, retroactive to the pay period following their respective certifications. Jeff seconded. All in favor.
Other Business:
Next Meeting: November 19, 2023 at 9:30 am
Adjournment: Jeff motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:30am. Tim seconded. All in favor.