Minutes December 4, 2022-Continuation of November 20, 2022 BOD Meeting
/Board of Directors’ Meeting
Continuation of Board of Directors’ Meeting on Sunday, November 20, 2022.
Call to Order: Jim called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm via Zoom Video Conferencing.
Board Members Present: Jim Coats, Jeff Smith, David Canterman, Lisa Machalski, Tim Robison (joined the meeting at 6:26pm)
Board members absent: None
Staff Present: Allison Cash, Kevin Southworth
Voting Status: All board members present are in good standing. Quorum.
Member Communications:
Jim read a letter from Gary & Barbara Boulanger regarding the recent vote to approve/disapprove the assessment for the foundation repair of the clubhouse.
Jim read a letter from Jerry and Becky Crawford regarding the Special Assessment and a request to delay the assessment.
Jim read a letter from Patrick Vincent regarding delaying the assessment until the 2023 AGM.
Jim read a petition submitted by Isaac Colgan and digitally signed by 35 members regarding deferring the assessment until the 2023 AGM.
Continued Business:
Jim issued a reminder that the LISECC Articles of Incorporation require that community assets are maintained. With that in mind, the Clubhouse foundation, culvert, and deck must be repaired, whether it is now or at some point in the future.
After consulting with LISECC’s attorney about the assessment, LISECC has three options going forward:
Proceed with the assessment as written.
Leave the assessment in place but defer billing.
Cancel the current assessment, finish the pending tasks, shore up the bids, and call a special meeting to vote on another assessment. Any future vote on an assessment would adhere to the same rules that existed on this one; meaning, to defeat the assessment, it would take a majority of all eligible voters.
Continued discussion of delaying the implementation of the assessment. David motioned to postpone the collection of the Special Assessment relating to the Clubhouse repairs for a period of 6 months. This postponement will allow us to get firm bids on each aspect of this project. At the end of the 6 months, we can determine the feasibility of moving forward with the project and the possible credit on future dues to our members. This credit will be issued if the total bids that we receive for the project are less than the current assessment amount. Lisa seconded. Discussion followed:
Discussion of the 6 month time frame included in the motion and whether any deadlines should be put on collecting the necessary information for the Clubhouse repairs.
The petition submitted by Isaac Colgan asserts that the 2023 Budget and Assessment should be considered invalid. However, it was noted that the 2023 Budget was approved by a majority of the votes received (82-54) and the 2023 Budget should not be reconsidered. For the purpose of this discussion, the assessment is the only item being discussed.
Discussion of the need to obtain bids on all of the components of the Clubhouse repair.
Discussion of breaking the Clubhouse repair components (foundation/culvert & deck) into phases and creating an assessment for each component.
Following the discussion, David withdrew his motion.
Jeff motioned to cancel the current Special Assessment for the LISECC Clubhouse repair. David seconded. Discussion of the fact that a new assessment will be pursued once the bids are obtained, and solid numbers are available. In the first phase of the project, the foundation and culvert will be repaired. In the second phase, the deck will be repaired. Jeff, David and Tim voted in favor of the motion. Lisa abstained. Motion passed.
Other Business:
Tim reiterated his call for members to join the Operations Committee and get involved in the Clubhouse project.
Next BOD Meeting: Sunday, December 18, 2022 at 9:30 am.
Jeff moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:28pm. Lisa seconded. Meeting adjourned.